Monday, February 13, 2012

Brooklyn's Birth Story

The Night Before Brooklyn was born
January 10th started off like any normal day for Hannah and I. We had a playdate that day at Lakeside in the morning with friends, which went great! Hannah came home and took an excellent nap and I was busy bringing up some last minute baby stuff from the basement (yes I probably was doing more than I should have been). However after I was finished I sat down a read my book. But as soon as I stood up from reading my book I started having back labor. I didn't have back labor with Hannah, so I had no idea what this was. I started walking up and down the hall, called my mom and Aaron thinking it might be something. My mom told me to call my doctor right away while Aaron had said, "oh just wait it out and see". I was torn on my own opinion, but when the pain didn't stop after 45 minutes of walking around my house I decided to call. I knew that she was going to have me go in so I started preparing a bag for Hannah for my mom and dad's, just in case (glad I did). Mind you I was convinced I wasn't in labor, so I didn't grab the camera or any of my stuff other than my wallet.

Aaron was meeting me at Crittenton and Mom had nicely offered to come and get Hannah and I from home. So mom dropped me off at the door and took Hannah back to their house. This was about 6pm that we had reached the hospital. Aaron and I went right upstairs to Labor and Delivery to find out that they did not have any rooms available. And yes it was a full moon! You think this kind of stuff only happens in the movies...well they sent me to the waiting room...THE WAITING ROOM! Mind you I was in a lot of pain by this point because it had been constant since 4:30pm. They just told me to have a seat and someone would come get me when they had a room. Well I didn't let them get away with that for too long before I just started doing circles around the nurses station. Finally a nurse got me into the NST room, not an L and D room, but at least it was something. She got me all hooked up to the monitors and I was having contractions by this point, not very many , but they were there. I was chatting with the nurse asking when I was going to actually be checked out and thankfully in walks my doctor by chance of her already being at the hospital. I love my doctor. She gets the job done. She says to the nurse, "Why isn't she in a room?? That's not an excuse that you don't have rooms!" She looks at me and asks if I can walk, which I could so she takes me in the hall finds a wheelchair and pushes me into the children's wing. Finds a room, which is more of a closet in my opinion with a bed. Checks me and I'm at a 4 and my bag of water is bulging. She looks at us and says, "Well looks like we are having this baby tonight, you're in labor". In shock of how fast it has all gone from this point it was a lot to take in.

Aaron waiting to go into the OR
We got back into the NST room, because there still weren't any rooms. I called mom and told her to come up quick because I was in labor and didn't even have the camera! Dad stayed home with Hannah so mom could come up and be with us. Within a half hour of being back in the NST room I was being prepped. As soon as they were ready to take m, my mom came in with the camera then headed for the waiting room. I walked into the OR and they finished prepping me and then let Aaron come in. It was a very relaxed C-Section by that point, we were talking about Alvin and the Chippmunks while Dr. Lorenz was in the process of delivering Brooklyn. All of the doctors were singing "All the Single Ladies"...Haha!

At 9:11pm we heard our cry of our Brooklyn for the first time. Our time with her was short in the OR once they figured out she was having difficultly breathing. With a quick kiss from Mom and Dad she then headed to the Special Care Nursery. Aaron went with her when they finished up with me. Once in recovery I had a frosty, luckily I had a very cool recovery nurse that let me get away with that. Then I got to head to the nursery to see Brooklyn after I was out of recovery. It was a very fast and crazy night, but we are so thankful to have Brooklyn as the result!

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